• Bridging Hope Counseling in Lino Lakes, MN

    For your convenience, Bridging Hope Counseling has an office in Lino Lakes, MN. The address is 6776 Lake Drive Suite 170 Lino Lakes, MN 55014. We are in the Rice Lake Professional Building right on the corner of Hodgson Road and Lake Drive.

    Phone:         (763) 291-5505

    Billing Phone: (763) 400-7081

    Fax:             (763) 444-1765

    Intake email: admin@bridginghopecounseling.com

    Billing email: billing@bridginghopecounseling.com

    Address:       6776 Lake Drive Suite 170
                         Lino Lakes, MN 55014


    We are proud to be a part of the community and are a member of the Forest Lake Chamber and Lakes Area Women in Business. Please call 763-291-5505 or email admin@bridginghopecounseling.com to schedule a consultation or appointment.