• Bridging Hope Counseling in Rogers, MN

    Location is on Interstate 94 in Rogers, MN.  Go north on 101 off of I94.  Travel to Diamond Lake Road (1 block north of I94)and take a right (east).  Take your first right at the 4-way stop sign, Rogers Drive.  You will turn right onto Rogers Drive.  Take this road around past McDonald's & Crystal Pierz Marine.  Just before the Ellingston's Antique Car Museum sign, turn left into the parking lot. The address is 21000 Rogers Dr Ste 200 Rogers, MN 55374.

    We are the beige building with red trim on the west side of the parking lot.  Bridging Hope Counseling is located on the end of the building.

    Phone:            (763) 291-5505

    Billing Phone: (763) 400-4081

    Fax:                 (763) 657-0819

    Intake/Request an Appointment Email: admin@bridginghopecounseling.com

    Billing Email: billing@bridginghopecounseling.com

    Address: 21000 Rogers Drive Suite 200
    Rogers, MN 55374